Kirtihermitage in Rishikesh

Thousand Adorations Of Shakti

(With Maa Gyaan Suveera)

It is well known that Bhakti Shakti and Mukti is found in the glorious composition of the Lalita Sahasranama.
When practiced with love, awareness and faith, the Goddess Energy, showers us with positivity, dynamism, and joy. It is also said to eliminate poverty and shower wealth. Explore this fantastic tool of bhakti, for empowerment and healing. Get initiated to the hidden tantric aspects of Devi Sadhana.

Topic :

• Space and sacred sound
• Metaphysics of the Devi
• Dynamics of rituals
• Devi and visual Aesthetics
• Occult science related to Devi
• Healing expression and procedures
• Symbols and Yantras in detail
• Activation with mantras and mudras
• Kundalini Dhyana
• Centrality and Wholeness as theory and experience
• Parayana
• Archana
• Homa


The course is for 6 months.

  • Starting  : 12th January 2025
  • Every Sunday : 7 Am to 9 Am

